Announcing The Journey Internal
Pop Culture Kaboom review: “The Journey Internal“
By: Jimmie Jones
The power trio of Ian Crichton, Nigel Glockler, and Robert Berry, known as Six By Six have done something unusual. Where most bands have paired with various Comic Book publishers to, in some degree, reproduce publisher Revolutionary Comics’ “Rock ‘N’ Roll” Comics from 1994. Creating either semi-biographical works, band members or mascots in superhero-type roles, or some other grandiose concepts, Six by Six have taken a different route for a graphic novel, pairing “The Journey Internal” as a companion piece to their self-titled debut album, “Six by Six”. I, your not-so-humble host of Pop Culture Kaboom, Jimmie Jones, was fortunate enough to be sent a preview copy of the Graphic Novel, “The Journey Internal”, which was greatly appreciated and here are my thoughts, as long-winded as they are.

The storytelling; I mentioned this graphic novel is a companion piece to Six by Six’s debut album and each chapter title is reflective of each track on the album itself (I know this because I looked up the album for its tracklist). The story follows the protagonist Reign as he traverses various corridors and worlds in the mindscape (for lack of better words). Each chapter begins and ends with Reign entering either by choice or circumstance into another layer, another universe, another discovery of his own psyche as he learns to control himself. Along the way, he fights off various monsters of the ID on a hero’s quest to save not only himself but his world. Discovering along the way his truth, self-confidence, hope, and love.
I know, blah blah the hero’s journey, but there is a style and intellectual gravitas to the storytelling in The Journey Internal that does set it apart from your standard read. Coupled with the concept of it being a companion piece to an album, one can almost feel the sonic background that should be accompanying Reign’s journey.
The Art; I found the artwork fascinating on a number of levels. It was all done by the same person, but in each chapter, each world has its own unique flavor and style. Chapter 1 is standard for the medium and is used as a backdrop of some of the other chapters and as bookends for the story as a whole, but as Reign traverses into Chapter 2, the artwork changes to match the narrative and set piece of that universe and part of the story. Without giving too much away, the art styling for Chapter 2 is very reminiscent of totalitarian propaganda posters (you’ll have to read and see it to know what I mean).
With each chapter progression, the art changes, until Chapter 5 comes along, which gives a strong, claustrophobic horror vibe that is undeniably different in texture from the previous chapters. Chapter 6 is again a huge stylistic change. We find our hero Reign in a pulp action drama artwork, prominently used in the Comics Industry throughout the 60’s. As Reign makes his way to Chapter 7, well, let’s just say the cosmic existentialism would make the likes of Jack Kirby proud. The final chapters of The Journey Internal brings you the reader back to the opening artwork for the story's conclusion.
All in all, not a bad read, very interesting concept and for readers who like heady story crafting with equal measures of artwork that help tell the story, then I do believe this one is worth your time and money. If I didn’t know it was a companion piece to an album, the story could stand on its own. I however know (and now you do to) that it fits with the album and try as I might, that piece feels missing, and I do want to know how the two pieces fit together as an auditor and visual form together (so now I have to get a copy of the Six by Six album).
Jimmie Jones is your not-so-humble host of all things Pop Culture Kaboom on Facebook, The Pop Culture Kaboom Radio Show and The Pop Culture Kaboom YouTube Show.
THE JOURNEY INTERNAL will be available for purchase now, so tell your friends. Get yours today! Editor's Update: Don't delay, these are going fast!
In North America you can order your copies at
In the UK, Europe, Japan, etc. order from Burning